Sunday, May 13, 2012

Update on my Container Garden!

So I've had my little container garden for about a month now. Some of the plants started as seeds, other's were  starts. So here is a little update on them! I'm sooo excited to see it's progress! Everything has been making great progress...except my rosemary. There really is nothing growing in the pot....not a single thing. but that's ok- they were seeds and we've had wicked wind. I'm way proud of my little container garden. It's been way worthwhile and so much fun to watch grow as the days pass!
My red onions! The bigger ones in back are some that were already here when we moved in.

My Cilantro has really taken off! They were started from seeds! So cool to see them grow.

Can you see em?!

I promise there is some Sage in there!

This is Dill. There is some in there. :)

OK, my basil has really taken off. It's spread into like EVERY pot I have. Into my 2 strawberry pots, my 4 tomato pots, my mint, and my large pepper pot.

OK, this is my Cilantro again. I just had to give you a close up because it's my favorite plant right now. It's really taken off and looks soooo cool! How green is that! :)

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