Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Senior Pictures- The real deal!

Well! Here we have em! My senior pictures. I picked out my most favorite because i don't think i could have loaded all 75 on here. hahaha They are great! I love em

This is my fav!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Senior Pict Teasers!

 Alright, these pictures are simply astonishing! I love them! My Aunt Hollie's good friend Amy Barton did the pictures! These are the three I've seen so far! But there are more to come about next weekend! Thank you so much Amy!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bath Time!

Ok, maybe you haven't noticed, but Sawyer is one of my favorite items to photograph. In our new house Mom and Dad have a great tub that makes wicked bubbles! Sawyer took a bath tonight and had fun with bubbles. I just have to share these pictures!
See the monster bubbles!

Bubbles all around!
Of course, after he gets in the bubble filled tub, he's got to go potty.

Look! I'm Elvis!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm a kiss up!

Ok, Sawyer likes everyone in this family more than me. I'm his least favorite and he makes it clear. He'll go around the whole family saying goodnight with a hug and kiss and then walk away and not give me one. I'm always his last choice. Maybe its cuz i have to be the one to discipline him. I don't know. So tonight, we were getting ready for bed and Sawyer was put to bed and then Skyler left their room. Sawyer sneaks out and comes into the Girls Dorm. Soon Skyler finds out and comes to get Sawyer.

So the little kid decides to play all angles. He rushes over to me and throws his arms around my neck saying "I want Dam to put me to bed! (He calls be Dam(n)) :P So I laugh and pick him up and whisper something in his ear to tell mom. So then we go to Mom and he says "Mom! I'm a kiss up!"

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Have a Grenade

Kids say the craziest things. Those of you who know Sawyer, know he is quite a character. A few days ago my parents and I were sitting in the family room talking. Sawyer walks in with his favorite superhero boots on and Skyler's baseball helmet. He was doing Kung Fu. I decided to try and be the "cool" sister, so i got on the ground and played with him. He soon got out his 'sword' and started fighting me. We started out with our weapons in the ancient era. So we sword fight for a minute, then I tell him, "Sawyer! I have a bow and arrow!" And i pretend to shoot him with a bow and arrow. He quickly comes back with his reply, standing up straight. He gives me a simple shrug and says "I have a grenade." And pulled the plug on the grenade and throws it at me.

I sat there stunned at what the kid just said. How the heck does he know what a grenade is! And how does he know that there is a pin you gotta pull and then throw it! Soon my parents and I roared with laughter.  This kids to too smart for his own good some days. hahahaha

Notice the boots and helmet---oh and that face!

The kid was big into the 'splits' for some reason!
Check out this vid of Sawyer doing his KUNG FU! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Legendary Times: Family Choir Practice

Ok, so we love Grandma and Grandpa. But its been great to be in our own house again. We live very different schedules, my family--well we are total night owls, and today was monday so i guess you could say we had family home evening. Well our family got a hold of the MoTab Cd, "Called to Serve." Its got some great and powerful songs on it.  Also, our house has a REAL fireplace! Skyler and i went to get some wood, dad started a fire, we had hot coco and the lights dimmed and yes, we had family Choir practice. hahaha. We all sat around the fire and sang with the MoTab Cd to the songs "Called to Serve" and "How Firm a Foundation" (My favorite, it gives you chills!) We also sang "The Spirit of God" And "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go" It brought a great spirit into our house as we all sat around and sang, now we aren't the MoTab but it was pretty awesome! The unity in our family was strong! Then i closed with the scripture that says a righteous song is a prayer of the heart. It was pretty awesome. It was a great way to end the day. We decided we are pretty unique, us Larsen's. How many family's sit around and sing MoTab for fun?