Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ledgendary Moment: Sadie Sings

So last night I'm laying on my bed writing a letter to Shawn (my missionary :). Sadie is writing her testimony down on a card. She hands it to me to read,I read it and giver her some props and hand it back. I continue writing and a moment later she turns to me and asks "Sam, is it 'Sadie sings'?" I look up to her and am puzzled "What?" i reply.
"Is it 'Sadie sings in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen'?"

...she's dead serious. I burst out laughing. "No Sadie, its "I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen." hahaha we all got a good laugh about it. It must have been a little strange for her to think everyone who every gives a pray is saying her name. Ah, she's great. :p

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


OK, so today when we were un-boxing in the garage, Boo found his bike and scooter and played outside for most of the day and played hard! So i had to take pictures of him because he was so dang cute!

Had a long day outside and now its bath time!

Sawyer is now sooo into superheros, his boots are Marvel superheros and he wears them everywhere!!! See his cute red cheeks! hahaha he had a great time outside!111

A little tired.... (play hard, nap hard)

This is him in mid-ride. He loves that pink scooter that Summer out grew. hahaha he spend most the day out on this just zooming around the driveway

Hes a little guy. :P

Moving the House

So all our stuff was staying in two storage units in Twin while we were living at our grandparents house. So this last weekend we moved it all our of the storage units and into our new home! Yay! But getting all our stuff to the house wasn't an easy job. I had to be Queen Tetris and arrange everything so that we could fit it all in the uhaul in two trips. We had one day to move everything we needed from the unit. So here are a few pictures from our move!
Dad's back in the Uhaul, and is happy about it. HE thought that last time he's be in the driver seat of a uhaul we'd be on our way to Seattle. Well, I guess God has other plans for us because we feel like we are to stay here. :)

Not only did we have the Uhaul filled but also our cars. We took Gravedigger (our excursion) too to fill. Coco had a rough time trying to find a place to sit. hahaha

Here is my game of Tetris in play. See me up top, I'm on a mattress which is on top of two fridges and a washer and dryer and I'm organizing boxes on top of em all.

I literally had them to the roof of the Uhaul. :) I'm the Queen. :) I'll proudly claim that because of my mad game skills i saved our family an extra trip to Twin.

(This picture is suppose to be last. I'm still learning this website.) This is the corner of the Dorm I'm sharing with my three other sisters. I get to call this corner mine. hahaha. You can also see Sum and Sade's bed. The room has turned out pretty awesome. We all love it.
Ok, i look awful in this picture hahaha but i had to put it in here. I'm on top of a dresser putting more stuff up to the roof of the Uhaul. It had been a long day and this was our second trip up to Twin, so i was kind of goofing around while waiting for Dad ro bring more boxes. hahaha


Just a few days before we moved Sawyer, Summer, Sadie and I had fun with the camera. Boo (Sawyer) wanted to take some pictures. I think we got a few that are ok pictures for just messing around. :) We didn't get a clear picture with Sadie in it, but she was there hahaha
Summer, Sawyer, Me

Summer and Me
If someone's complete personality could be captured in a picture it would be this picture of Summer. She's a bit of a Diva and princess, total girly girl. hahaha Her favorite color is pink and everything. She's pretty sweet to be around.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


So today was Summer June and Sadie Elaine Larsen's baptism! All the family came up! The girls looked so cute and we are all so proud of them! The spirit was so strong in the room. Tears of joy were shed by most people in the room. When our father Jacob said "Summer June Larsen" Savannah and I cried. The same happened for Sadie Elaine Larsen. Just hearing our new names in a church ordinance was...amazing. Words can't describe what we felt. It was just pretty amazing. We have an awesome family. Dad pulled me aside after and I said, "Dad, there is not another family out there that is like ours." And it’s pretty true. We are all very unique.

Ah the four sisters! L2R Savannah, Sadie, Summer, SamanthaMae
Right after I snapped this picture Summer freaked out! hahaha Sadie just liked to tease her.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fire Ceremony

So my family is pretty different. This year, we are started the new tradition. It's our Fire Ceremony. What you do is on a paper (we used sticky notes) you write down three things you are thankful for or three things you don't want to take with you into the next year. (This is usually a new years celebration.) So theoretically if you write down three things you are thankful for and then burn it the ashes float up to Heavenly Father. If its three things you don't want to take with you into the next year, you burn the paper and the ashes leave you. Then after we each burned our three sticky notes we take a drink of Martinilli's (sparkling cider) to celebrate! Then we all are waring a bracelet or string thing i guess around our wrists to remind us of our three sticky notes.
Here are some pictures from our first annual Fire Ceremony!

So this is Sadie dramatically throwing her Woo in the fire
So this is the fire nice and roaring after Sadie also threw her Wobie in. (her lifelong blanket companion).