Monday, May 16, 2011

Family Dance Party!

Our family will suddenly break out in dance or song, or something random and silly. But these moments, as random and crazy as they are- are priceless moments where we bond together as brothers and sisters and as a family. Tonight, Dad put on some 80's music and before we knew it- we had ourselves a dance party! Dad has a strobe light app on his iphone and sky held the phone and Dad, Sawyer, Summer and Sadie and I were all dancing in the strobe light. Priceless moments. 
Dad was doing some 80's dance (hahaha) Sadie was doing the sprinkler and Summer was doing the "funky chicken" (with one hand behind the head and the other grabbing your leg and almost hitting your head to your knee)  and I was dancing like a crazy person with Sawyer close by. In the strobe light we watched our reflections and each other in slow motion as we all moved normal speed. Wow.  Great night! hahaha

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